< Karma -- for today's traveler > 读书笔记

2013年8月,和几位大学同学同去泰国,在清迈素贴山的双龙寺买了一本书—— < Karma -- for today's traveler >。

关于Karma这个词,第一次知道是在"兰迪波许教授的最后一课"中:“If you lead your life the right way, karma will take care itself, your dreams will come to you. ”



下面是我的一些 Notes。

If bad begets bad, what happened to all of that bad karma?



Intention and Action

(1) and (2) will affect the world, while (3) not


“Plucking a flower and affecting a star”

Our influence to the world is not simple. "If we move our hand through the water, we create not a single wave, but many small waves."

Karma takes time. So we must wait for our kindness to return to us.

Our responsibility for our actions does not end with our death.

We cannot go back into the past to undo our previous bad deeds. Stop doing bad things, to do more good things.

Build the Wall.

Keeping the Wall firm. 自我暗示。

Keeping four precept is much better than keeping none!

Concentration brings wisdom!

Lying steals our freedom.

Our mind affects itself.

Stop doing bad things. Do more good things. Purify your mind.

We are our minds.

View the world with loving kindness.

Find joy from other people's success, without the least bit of envy.

The big picture of karma is always fair.


很多时候我们会为过去所犯下的错感到悔恨、羞耻,这种悔恨和羞耻会困扰我们的现在。然而我们需要意识到正是这种悔恨与羞耻感阻碍着我们乐观、自信地走向未来,"we cannot go back into the past to undo our previous bad",所以我们更不应该被过去所牵绊,而应该把握好眼前,为明天所好准备,走好每一步。